What If – Part V – A Second Trump Administration

How will the government operate during a second Trump administration?

You may be thinking, “How can I vote for Biden? He’s very old, mumbles, shuffles and has lapses of thought.” Unfortunately, we don’t have much of a real choice. How can we vote for a serial liar, rapist, womanizer and convicted felon? What if—he wins? The ultra conservative organizations who supported and funded President Trump from the beginning have already published their 2025 agenda. They believe that an authoritarian government is more efficient and effective than a democratic one. There will be no need for hearings or dissent. There will be no court battles. There will be no protests to slow things down. There will be one clearly defined path that will be followed.

Let’s start off with control of the government. Every official who required vetting and Congressional approval after hearings such as Cabinet members, judges, heads of federal agencies, including the Justice Department and the FBI, will immediately be replaced by a preselected Trump loyalist who believes that the last election was stolen, and that Trump won it and who will follow instructions or be fired. This will be accomplished by firing all bureaucrats and appointing “acting heads” of these departments and agencies who will have the same authority as their predecessors but will not need approval from Congress. The Supreme Court will do as they are told and condone this because at least three of the members are already in Trump’s control and with the threat of increasing the Court’s membership to twelve or reassigning the duties of the dissidents, there should be no problem in getting their unquestioned support. Even right now they have almost no accountability of any kind, moral, ethical or civil or criminal, to the American public, accepting expensive trips and economic benefits from wealthy interests who have business before the Court and flying the American flag upside down at their homes, blaming it on their wife. Any attempt by Congress to discipline or punish them will be overruled by the president. They will justify their judicial rulings using their spurious Federalist Society approved “originalist” theories going back in time, proclaiming that the king and now the president, can do no wrong and is totally immune from any criminal or civil responsibility, getting his authority directly from God. Thus the executive branch of the government will control the politicized judicial branch, reflecting the end of “checks and balances.” Is this what most Americans want?

President Trump will order the military to pick up and deport all illegal immigrants no matter how long they have lived in the country or to whom they are married, revoking all prior rulings. There will be no avenue to contest this decision. If necessary, President Trump will pardon the entire armed forces for following his orders. The “Dreamers” who came as children and have been living here for decades, will be deported instead of being offered a path to citizenship. Do you think that’s fair?

All governmental “independent regulatory agencies” will no longer be independent and will follow President Trump’s orders. He does not believe in global warming. The Environmental Protection Agency will be so advised. Trump believes that there is no reason for man not to conquer nature. There is no reason for man to live in harmony with it, so the agency will follow his instruction and adopt a motto of “drill baby drill.” The coal industry and its toxic generating plants will not be troubled with controlling carbon dioxide. With Trump’s gutting of the Clean Air Act, air pollution will be totally allowed. America will withdraw from any international clean air requirements. That goes for polluting the ocean. This problem applies to the Democratic party too, which seems to have an ongoing love of coal. One wonders why. Disregarding the drastic environmental effects, Trump will open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and millions of acres of Ocean off northern Alaska for oil and gas drilling. He will continue to take away or shrink national monuments such as Bear’s Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante where he gave away two million acres to developers in his first administration. The EPA will be totally dismantled. The “Endangered Species Act” will be nullified. There will be no concern about bird sanctuaries, or preserving wildlife, which policy will continue to drive endangered species into extinction. Pollution and global warming will prevail. Is that what you think is best for America?

Strip mining will be encouraged by both political parties, subjecting us to world ridicule. The Mine Safety and Health Review Board will be “gone.” The Postal Department will be totally privatized, replaced by a Trump owned company and anything may be shipped through the mails for a price. All new stamps will feature Trump’s portrait. All documents in the National Archives will be deemed, at the insistence of Donald Trump, his personal property, including the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Emancipation Proclamation as well as volumes of classified information, which he can sell or take home or give away. Thus, there will be no need for any independence at the National Archives. They will follow orders or be gone. And our national treasures may well be gone. Do you agree that Mr. Trump should be the personal owner of the Constitution? No way!

Trump’s Surgeon General doesn’t believe in vaccinations and will do away with them. Measles, Mumps, Polio, Chickenpox, Tetanus, and the Flu will be back in business. Your children will be exposed at school and at all public places. The death toll and medical expenses will be huge. We will have to get used to watching our children die. The Trump appointed Surgeon General will take over the duties of the multiple government agencies that regulate health, including the effectiveness and safety of drugs and will be allowed to serve on the board of directors of any company doing business with the government. These companies will now be free from all restrictions (which is undue government interference) and may charge any price for medicines that they wish. The law of supply and demand will be the rule. They will be driven by profits. Ill people may have to flee the country to obtain the drugs they need. Do you want to watch your unvaccinated children die? That’s a no brainer!
Industrial safety and health concerns will be left up to the manufacturers themselves. The Trump administration believes that they will rely on their own knowledge, experience and judgment to generate unenforceable safety practices. Florida’s freedom of any employer to deny a “heat” break to prevent heat prostration for workers’ safety will apply to all aspects of employment. The employer will have full control of what, if any, safety precautions it will take to protect its employees. It will continue to be cheaper not put a hand safety devise on a machine to speed up its operation, than to pay the modest workers’ compensation costs for the amputated fingers. Expect a significant increase in industrial injuries and illnesses. Ouch!

There are many other businesses formerly regulated by government agencies with all that red tape, that can now be self-regulating, voluntarily reducing profits by using their religious beliefs of caring and fairness to guide them. Do you really believe that? Boeing, the aircraft manufacturer with the airplane door blowing open in flight, was recently accused of harassing and firing a whistleblower and the FAA was charged with being too “friendly” with Boeing. It will get worse. Safety in transportation, airplane production and airport operations, train tracks, trains carrying chemicals, automobile and appliance safety will no longer be your government’s concern. Manufacturers will now be able to produce goods for less money which they will be able to use to make greater profits for their executives and investors. Don’t expect them to pass any benefits on to the consumer.
Why should we have a Peace Corps or National Endowment for the Arts? How much money do they bring in? They are unnecessary. This approach will be symbolic of the treatment of all the many other government regulatory agencies. Remember when we were proud of the Peace Corps?

In his campaign Mr. Trump promised that “I will be your retribution!” As part of his retribution program, all persons on his “enemies list”, especially the Biden family, will be charged with crimes and prosecuted by the Justice Department whether there is proof that they committed them or not, and they will be required to pay huge legal fees and spend weeks in court to defend themselves, but there will be no jury trials and the Judges will be, like Judge Cannon and the Supreme Court, very partial to serving Mr. Trump and will find the accused guilty as charged. Very possibly a “catch-all” new crime called “anti-Americanism” will be created and applied retroactively. It sounds just like Russia where the accused is presumed guilty and there is over a 99% conviction rate. That’s not a joke! It could happen here with a politicized court system. Is that what you want?

Just the other day at Mar A Lago, Mr. Trump told representatives of the oil and gas industries that they will contribute one billion dollars to his presidential campaign. He didn’t ask them. He imperiously told them. Thus, as predicted, large corporations that made the contributions demanded of them by the Trump campaign, will receive subsidies and be excused from paying taxes. Of course, all major corporations will be owned or controlled by the Trump Organization, which will be Mr. Trump himself. Benefits to the less fortunate businesses will be curtailed. Do you think that’s fair?

The MAGA people believe that Social Security is “socialism”… “It says ‘Social’ right on the check that you get.” The payments that YOU made all your life will be deemed to be contributions to the government. The benefits will probably be reduced by twenty five percent and the qualifying age set at seventy, with no death benefits. The helpful parts of the Affordable Care Act will be suspended as will the thirteen federal welfare programs, with the admonition that everyone knows that this is the function of private charities. You know what is going to happen to the healthcare system. Insurance will not cover preexisting conditions and coverage will be cancellable at any time. The insurance companies will be paid back for their large donations to the Republican party. It’s back to the good old days. They will cancel you if you become ill and refuse to insure you if you have a preexisting condition. It will be come your family’s responsibility to pay these bills. It will bankrupt many people. Is this what you want? Do you want Social Security and Medicare? The only ones trying to take it away from you are the Trump crowd. WARNING! A MAGA vote for Trump may very well do away or severely limit your social security payments and Medicare coverage!