What If – Part XII – Foreign Affairs


      In a word, if Mr. Trump wins, say goodbye to Ukraine. His friendship with Vladimir Putin is so very deep and unexplainable that it defies logic and reason. Possibly Mr. Putin has something really big on Mr. Trump, or it can be extreme adulation and admiration of a KGB trained, ruthless, cold blooded autocratic, absolute dictator of Russia. Putin converted a democratically elected secretary generalship into a lifetime dictatorship.  This makes Mr. Trump the only United States President who is or was a communist sympathizer. Trump also admires all other autocratic leaders or dictators including Mr. Erdogan of Turkey, Kim Jong of North Korea, Xi Jinping of China and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Expect our foreign policy to follow Mr. Trump’s dislike of Shi’ite Islam as practiced in Iran. He will place stronger sanctions on Iran. He will help Mr. Netanyahu stay out of jail and will continue our support of Israel with no limits on their use of American military arms or retaliation against Iran.

     Our close ties to the NATO countries will be weakened as Putin will be encouraged to invade Estonia, Latvia and parts of Poland, and Mr. Trump will have no desire to stop his friend. Hungary and Lithuania and parts of Finland will be on Mr. Putin’s list. Mr. Trump will withdraw America from Article 5 of the NATO treaty which provides that an armed attack against one or more NATO members is an attack against them all.

      Our great competitor will be China which will continue to build its atomic stockpile and increase its aggressive behavior towards Taiwan, Japan and the Philippines. The U.N. will do nothing, and we will have few allies.

     Relations with Mexico and Canada will be strained. The Trump administration will review our trade agreements (NAFTA) and will possibly tax goods from China and India that are being produced under license or assembled in Mexico. The NAFTA trade agreements presently support about thirteen million American jobs.

      At the end of his four-year term Mr. Trump will consider the best method of perpetuating his presidency. He may very well start an invasion and a war with Mexico. This would help him stay in power which he could justify as cleaning out the threat to America from the criminal drug cartels which Mexico has failed to control and the urgent need to secure our Mexican border in order to protect America.

We don’t need another undeclared war to keep Mr. Trump in power.