What will education be like under a new Trump regime? It will be the natural extension of what had been started in the first Trump administration but magnified. With the help of the Supreme Court Blacks were kept in their own schools. Look around. Why is the school down the road almost one hundred percent black and the school in another neighborhood almost one hundred percent white? Remember bussing? Back in 1974 the Supreme Court said that Brown v Board of Education did not provide for the courts to examine the local school board’s enforcement of integration in the schools. (Milliken v Bradley). The Trump administration will say that this is part of the individual State’s rights. Thus, there is no required diversity in the schools. We’ll discuss the effects of this situation in a moment. In the meantime, be assured that from kindergarten upward the schools will be privatized under a voucher system. Payment of tuition will be under a federal voucher plan from funds collected under a federal school tax instead of local school taxes. This will be federal law, which the administration will now assert supersedes State law.
Most private schools will probably have religious names including the word “Christian”. All students will be required to wear school uniforms which will display the school’s crest, which will almost always include a Cross. There will be outdoor assemblies with flags, drums, marching and singing patriotic songs praising the President and wishing him a long and happy life. Children will suffer physical punishment for failing to obey orders
All schools will be intertwined with the official American religion which will be decreed by President Trump to be Evangelical Christian Protestant. The religious activities of each school will be supervised and monitored by a resident school minister. No students will be permitted to display any non-Christian religious symbol or emblem or dress such as a Star of David necklace, a head scarf or a religious cap or hat. The government will probably issue plaques which will feature hands clasped in prayer holding a Crucifix with rays of light coming from it. At the top of the plaque there will be the Ten Commandments. This plaque shall be displayed on the entry wall of each school with an even larger portrait of President, Trump, above it.
Mandatory Christian prayer from the New Testament shall be conducted in assemblies at the beginning and the end of each school day. Similar prayers will precede all school events including sports competitions, musical and theatrical performances, graduations and all other ceremonies. Creationism shall be taught, and the concept of evolution shall not be discussed.
College education will be subject to government regulation and control and will follow the lower schools’ programs and regulations. The voucher program will only cover a small portion of the college and graduate school tuition and expenses. The balance will be paid by the student or may be covered with government student loans which will call for repayment from the students’ income taxes and may be reduced by church work or participation in the Trump Organization. All past student loans which may have been canceled or reduced under the Biden administration will be reinstated. College admissions will be “equal for all students.” That is, Black students will receive priority at Black Colleges such as Howard, Tuskegee, Morehouse and Florida A&M. White Christian students will have their own equal priority at all the White colleges, including Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Princeton, Penn and the rest of the Ivy League. Jewish students can all go to Brandeis. Hispanic students will have their own Catholic schools. Asian and Muslim students will have to fit in wherever they can. Conversion to Christianity might be helpful in admissions. No protests will be allowed. Fraternities, sororities and private societies like Skull and Bones will be encouraged to continue to discriminate against Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Asians, women and foreigners.
All professional school education will be censored. Law students will be taught to unquestioningly accept all Supreme Court and Presidential rulings with the greatest respect. Medical students will not be taught how to perform an abortion and will be compelled to sign a pledge never to counsel a woman to have an abortion nor to ever under any circumstance perform or assist in the performance of an abortion.
What about segregation in the educational system? The Supreme Court, believing that it is most democratic to leave certain matters in the hands of the people and the States, has endorsed the concept of “separate, but equal.” They say that it’s only fair. “Separate but Equal” has always been the rule in education. Separate, yes, but equal? Not in your life! This ensures a segregated school system in the South forever.
Presently one in five elementary and high schools in the United States is 90% Black. This was achieved in the Milliken Case when the Supreme Court bounced back the integration issue to the States and thus allowing segregation. The new Trump administration will continue this racial discrimination by keeping Blacks in segregated residential neighborhoods. The realtors and condominium boards across the country have done a good job of accomplishing this, particularly in the South. As a result, the Black and Hispanic schools received $21 billion less in financing in the last year, resulting in inadequate facilities and fewer well trained Black teachers. It seems that Black students prefer Black teachers and do better under their guidance. In great part because of this, Black students get lower results on achievement tests and are less likely to graduate and get diplomas. The Black failure rate appears to be two to four times as great as white students which tilts the playing field against them even more.
Under the new Trump regime Blacks will be told that they do not need to bother with a formal education. They will be encouraged to become athletes and entertainers, but this will cover only a very small percent of the new generation. The MAGA plan is based on the belief that less educated Blacks will be effectively kept in subservient positions and not be a “replacement” threat to white workers. The Trump MAGA crowd does not want Blacks to study history or philosophy. They know that “knowledge is power.” The Jews don’t have to be told this. The government will encourage Black people to receive unskilled training for substandard jobs such as manual laborers, waiters, busboys, kitchen help, janitors, waste collectors, hotel workers and domestic workers. At school and in church Blacks will be lectured to “know their place” and to be grateful for what they have.
So how can you explain all those Black politicians, judges, lawyers and even preachers wearing MAGA hats and jumping up and down at the Republican Convention in support of Donald Trump? It’s not hard to figure out. They are in it solely for themselves and how much they can personally profit. All their MAGA talking is hot air. They are totally uncaring about the rest of the Black community which they are selling down the river!
Whoops! Our predictions keep coming true. We said that President Biden was stumbling and bumbling and might not make it to election day. Yep. Yesterday he resigned his candidacy and Kamela Harris is right there waiting. She seems to be a very nice, qualified person and a BLACK WOMAN! Wow! It’s an opportunity to make history!
Now, if Trump is re-elected the Black community has only itself to blame for not realizing how much was at stake in the November election and not getting every single person out to vote.